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I’m Aging. Now what?

Women Wearing Colorful Bathing Caps


Although we try to deny it, we are all growing older and learning how to take care of our bodies as we age is very important. It is imperative that we incorporate physical activities, such as strength training and cardio, into our daily routines. You don’t have to do something that you find boring and you don’t have to do anything that scares you. What we all need to do is find something that works for us as individuals and that you know you will stick to. For example, some people find walking on a treadmill to be excruciatingly boring. For those individuals, it might not be the smartest activity for them to partake in because they will probably give up if they hate it from the beginning. Instead, these individuals might take up something like hiking or climbing. Perhaps, you find that you don’t want to use any type of machine to exercise because you don’t like the thought of actually having to exercise. Dance, soccer or kickboxing might sound more enticing to these people rather than using an elliptical, treadmill, or stationary bike. Finding something you love can make exercise feel like fun rather than a chore. Although cardio is very important, it is equally important to add in some strength training. We need to stay strong so that our joints can handle the cardio workouts. Adding in something like yoga or pilates can make a world of difference as they can increase strength and flexibility which will in turn reduce our risk of falls. It is said that 1 in 3 seniors will experience an injury related to some type of fall. I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep things moving through exercise and chiropractic care.


As our bodies age, they will begin to have different needs. We might need different types of vitamins, more water, and more sleep. We might even have to change how we manage our chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. You are going to want to make sure that your current doctor is someone that you trust and feel comfortable around.


It is also never too late to quit unhealthy habits. Whether you smoke, drink excessively or eat poorly, there is always time to replace unhealthy decisions with healthier ones. Our behaviors make all the difference when wanting to make lasting changes in our lives.

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